石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁513&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁211&*李安忠(活動於西元12世紀上半葉),曾任職於北宋宣和(1119-1125)畫院,南宋高宗紹興(1131-1162)時復職,以畫藝高超,被賜金帶。他專長於花鳥走獸,尤其擅於猛禽獵食的題材。本幅畫沙地上兩隻鵪鶉,一啄食,一閒看。畫家用枸杞做前景,與鵪鶉明顯區分前後,表現了畫面上的深度。畫幅用金箋,精工描繪,雖是樸素田野一角,卻令人覺得華麗無比。&*Li An-chung served in the imperial painting academy during the Hsüan-ho era (1119-1125) of the Northern Sung. During the Shao-hsing era (1131-1162), after the court fled south, he re-entered the academy and was awarded the Golden Belt. He specialized in birds-and-flowers and animals, especially the theme of birds of prey in action. This work shows two quail on sandy ground. One scratches and pecks the ground as the other proceeds in the opposite direction. The artist has depicted medlar in the foreground as distant from the quails to suggest depth. Thus, despite being a common rustic scene, it appears appealing to the senses.&*1.〈宋李安忠野卉秋鶉〉,收入劉芳如主編,《書畫裝池之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁108。 2.本社,〈宋李安忠野卉秋鶉〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第80期(1989年11月),封底。